Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wrap Up

Well HELLO there, friends. It's been a whirlwind and you know how I like to do lists, so...

1. Surgery went well on the big guy's hip. It sucks for him. This is a man who does so much in our house that it's killing him to sit and do 0.07% of it. That said, he can still put together a decent breakfast for us and can sit and watch the kids play outside while I clean up inside and rock back and forth in the fetal position. I kid, I kid.

2. We had tons of help from family and friends! Thank you for visiting, thank you for cooking, thank you for letting me bring my kids to your house for an afternoon, thank you thank you thank you. Thanks to my folks who kept my kids overnight three times in the last three weeks!

3. The Curtis girls went to Jersey! We played with our friend Cha-Cha and I got to catch up with a good girlfriend. We had wine. We had brie. We had lots of Starbucks. We went to the Land of Make Believe. Our daughters had pretty princess parties with dress up and I saw the biggest collection of My Little Pony dolls on the planet. (My wonderful friend also swooped in and rescued us in a 'for another time' shituation that totally sucked but sucked WAY less because she was there. Thank you friend!)

4. We were hot. And not zexy hot but a 'why don't we have AC, again? hot'.

5. Potty training for both is in full swing. Oldest is good and is going through the NIGHT people. Word! Little one is working on it. I'm doing a lot of laundry.

6. KT is back in town. This makes me so so so happy. And she has a kick ass job that is (finally) seeing how wicked smaht she is. Girlfriend is bound for some serious greatness in her life. Proud of her.

There will be more later. I know you'll be waiting.