Holistic: eating a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Notsomuch: Simultaneously shoving a cheese stick and a pretzel into your mouth at a stop sign.
Holistic: creating a beautiful soup of kale, French green lentils, carrots, onion and vegetable broth.
Notsomuch: Deciding the only missing ingredient is sausage.
Holistic: rubbing lavendar on my wrists at bedtime to create a peaceful sense of calm before slumber.
Notsomuch: lying in bed swearing at the tv because somebody can't shoot a goddamn free throw.
Holistic: organic cosmetics made from earthy crunchy ingredients and without an ounce of animal testing.
Notsomuch: crunchy mascara at the bottom of your Ziploc makep bag that you put on anyway.